
Showing posts from July, 2020

vermiform appendix

This is worm like diverticulum arising from the posteriomedial wall, of the caecum about 2cm below the ileocaecal orifice . THE DIMENSIONS :- the length various from 2 to 20 cm with the average of 9cm. vermiform appendix is longer in children and smaller in the adults.              POSITION :- appendix lies in the right illiac fossa . the based of appendix is fixed . the may pass upward and to the right .this is the paracolic or 11 o' clock position .           LUMEN OF APPENDIX :-  its quite small and may be partially or completely obliterated after mid adult life. RELATION OF APPENDIX : -   1) PERITONIAL RELATIONS : - The appendix is suspended by a small , triangular fold of pritoneum,called the MESOAPPENDIX , OR APPENDICULAR MESENTERY. The fold passes upward behind the ileum , and is attached to the left layer of the mesentery BLOOD SUPPLY OF VERMIFORM APPENDIX : -  The appendicular artery is a branch of  lower division of the ileocolic artery. it runs behind the terminal parts